Welcome, spiritual seekers! Thank you for stopping by. Through my writing, teaching, and healing, I condense and share what I’ve learned in over three decades of spiritual study so that others can experience a shorter journey to the same understanding. I hope my words inspire you to see from a grander perspective, to find and follow your passion, and to go out and change the world, one person at a time, because we’re all in this together. Blessings. - Peter
An enlightening spiritual tale of one woman’s journey to understand the truth and change the world.
Following the spiritual wisdom of The Light Beyond the Shadows: A Tale of Awakening, A Tale of Transformation follows young Anna as she grows into adulthood in a fantastical village outside the Grand Wall. There, burdened by knowing she has an important but unknown role to play in a prophecy with a mysterious teacher, she throws herself into her metaphysical and spiritual studies to be ready to fulfill her destiny when the time comes. Soon, she is faced with a choice, one that comes with a terrible, shocking price that would curse her for eternity.
With numerous spiritual and metaphysical lessons throughout, A Tale of Transformation helps illuminate the light beyond the shadows of our world, revealing how we can find freedom for ourselves while helping to make the world a more loving, joyful, and peaceful place.
What would you risk to bring others the truth?
An enlightening spiritual tale of one man's journey to understand a world limited only by his own perceptions.
Layered with spiritual lessons, metaphors, and hidden meanings, this inspiring, mystical tale of personal growth and spiritual evolution expresses timeless wisdom through seven distinct lessons corresponding to the seven chakras.
A girl. A forbidden manuscript. A mystical blind man. An authoritarian government. An unrealized love.
In a bygone society confined to a land surrounded by a mysterious, protective wall, young Anna connects deeply with a timeless manuscript titled A Tale of Awakening. In it, a farmer challenged by his past feels compelled to trust an inner voice as his world begins to collapse around him, and he follows a peculiar blind beggar on unexpected adventures that force him to confront everything he thinks he knows about himself and the land he lives in. As he trusts his awakening perceptions and his awareness of his purpose and the truth within grows, he embarks on a daring expedition to discover the secrets of the mysterious wall, what lies beyond it, and the answer to something unexplained his father said to him when he was a boy, risking everything on a perilous journey to a spiritual awakening . . . and death.
And unbeknownst to Anna, she is about to tumble headfirst into the center of the tale.
What would you risk to discover the truth?
Whether you are a spiritual seeker just beginning to explore your path or one who has read countless books on spirituality, Everything I Wanted To Know About Spirituality But Didn’t Know How To Ask: A Spiritual Seekers Guidebook reveals practical information that is sure to enhance your journey. Now it its second edition, it includes questions and exercises at the end of each chapter to help anchor the principles presented and assist the reader in applying the concepts to their lives. If you are interested in understanding how to truly live your Truth versus how to simply exist in the world, this book is for you. Click here for more...
What would you risk to discover the truth?
The Light Beyond the Shadows: A Tale of Awakening
Walking to the pool of water, he looked down at his reflection, a face recognizable but so very different from who he was before, its past gone and its source revealed. Beyond the surface, sitting at the bottom of the pool, he could see the stones of the thoughts and emotions he had carried that had created waves in his life, having splashed into his consciousness with a force that left ripples lingering for years. Yet long after the surface calmed, the stones remained, irritating his tender feet when he strolled through the shallow depths upon feeling the resonance of similar obstacles. He now could see they were not the foreign objects he had thought they were that needed to be disavowed and removed; rather, he saw and accepted them simply as pieces of the whole of his existence, elements welcomed into a warm embrace within which their hard exteriors became forgiving. The stones endured, but only as experiences and no longer as uncomfortable inflammations to his previously fragile, earthly personality. They transformed into soft sand upon which he could walk freely and easily now, seeing and understanding the struggles of the past yet unburdened by them.
The Light Beyond the Shadows: A Tale of Awakening
The fact is that everything can contribute to our spiritual growth when viewed from a higher context. Every. Single. Thing. When we separate the items, people, places, situations, experiences, dynamics, etc. in our life into spiritual and non-spiritual buckets, we exclude the possibility of learning from those things that we believe are not spiritual. If we want to maximize our spiritual growth, we must begin to see everything in the world, particularly in our immediate environment, as metaphorical lessons from which we can learn and grow.
The Little Book of Spiritual Growth: A Straightforward Primer on Energy, God, Spirit, Soul, and Ego
The spiritual freedom we seek cannot be found by grasping at, retreating to, or protecting our perceived safe spaces. Our freedom lies in remaining open continuously, not only to life's changes but also to the light within us and others.
Everything I Wanted To Know About Spirituality But Didn't Know How To Ask: A Spiritual Seeker's Guidebook
You know, Max, we angels always have fun! We each have jobs to help in our own way and we love what we do. My job was to come here to take you on adventures to teach you how to bring little gifts. That is, if you want to learn. It might not be exactly what you pictured as adventure, but sometimes really great things come from what you don't expect.
Gabriel, the pigeon-angel, in Little Gifts: The Adventures of a Pigeon-Angel